Saturday, February 9, 2013

On the Downhill!

We are now on the downhill side of this month!  I have to say, I am ready.  It's been really easy some days, but not so easy other days.  The past two weeks, I've been making birthday cakes, shower cakes, desserts, Valentines Day cookies, etc., and it's definitely been God that's not let me eat sugar.  I was keeping a shower cake on my dresser in our room last night (our room is the coolest in the house so the icing won't melt), and I know I could smell chocolate in my sleep.  Good thing I don't eat in my sleep like Dad....

I have a new respect for Jesus fasting in the desert.  Could you imagine not eating for 40 days, knowing you had the power to make food out of nothing?  I'm tempted things I shouldn't, even on a full stomach.  I think I always thought, "Well, Jesus is Jesus.  I'm sure it tempted him to make food, but it probably wasn't that bad."  But now I know....I know it was terrible!  I don't understand to that degree, but I bet his mouth was salivating just like mine is smelling those blonde brownies coming out of the oven right now.....  Jesus, thank you for showing how to put God in control of things, even when we want something so bad.  God can help us in so many ways, and self-control on our part can also come from Him if we let it.

The other thing I've been thinking about is the flavors I've been missing out on by "seasoning up" the things I've been eating.  Did you know you don't need ketchup to appreciate a potato?  God made a potato to taste the way it does.  Is there something in that?  Not only do we eat more than what we need, what is enough for us, but we also don't enjoy the foods that God has made for us.  We dip, soak, marinade, batter, and everything else to our food, but we don't just enjoy it for what it is.  I'm not saying that I won't season things again, but I think I would like to only use natural seasonings, and work more with the flavors of the foods God made.  That being said, I found to AMAZING recipes during this fast that I want to share with you.  Now, in my family, we just write things the way we happened to do them, so sorry that there's no set measurements in some of these!

Barley with Spinach and Egg
I just made this one up.  It's pretty fast and yummy.
Quick cooking barley
Olive Oil
A little Salt and Pepper
1.  Cook however many servings of quick cooking barley according to package directions.
2.  While that's cooking, Sautee spinach in olive oil with some minced garlic and a little salt and pepper.  Cook until wilted.
3.  Take spinach off heat, and and a little lemon juice
4.  Wipe out skillet, add a little more olive oil and fry an egg (you could poach an egg instead if you'd like)
5.  Once the barley's done, put some on a plate.  Add spinach on top of barley; then the egg on top of the spinach.  Add more salt and pepper if you wish.
6. Enjoy.

Squash, Sweet Potato, and Carrot Bisque
Butternut squash
2 Sweet Potatoes
2 Large Carrots
Olive Oil
Garlic, minced (however much you like)
2 inch piece of Ginger, minced
1 Can Chicken Broth (You may need to add more or less)
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream (optional)
Parmesan Cheese
Salt and Pepper
1.  Preheat oven to 425.  Cut squash in half, and clean out insides. Cut and cube sweet potatoes, carrots, and onion.  Pour olive oil on squash, then a little salt and pepper.  Mix other veggies together on cookie sheet with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
2.  Put squash halves on the other cookie sheet, then roast in the oven till soft.  It may be easiest to do squash in oven first, then the other veggies.  That worked best for me.
3.  Meanwhile, sautee minced garlic and ginger in a big pot with a little olive oil.  Add chicken broth, then the veggies when they get done roasting.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for at least 30 min.
4.  Use a blender to puree soup in batches, or, if you have an immersion blender, just stick it in the pot and blend until smooth.  IF you don't have an immersion blender, get one.  I love mine for many things.
5.  This is optional, but I did it because I have a very skinny husband that doesn't need to loose weight....add heavy cream, put the soup back on the heat until warm, but don't boil.
6.  Pour into bowls, grate a little cheese on top, a little salt and pepper, and it's delicious!

These recipes allow you to taste great flavors without adding a bunch of seasoning or processed ingredients to your cooking.  Enjoy!

Tell me how you're doing.  Share with others things you've been learning this month.  Much love and prayers go to you on your spiritual journey.



  1. Thanks for the good thoughts!
    This is Elizabeth and the food fast has been a very up and down learning time for me.
    First I am grateful to God for the simplicity of food from the earth. Potatoes apples carrots simple good things. Not using seasoning has forced me to taste and appreciate what things are...instead of turning them into something fancy. So I am grateful for simplicity!
    Second, on a vegan diet I struggle to eat enough food, period. It takes a while to chew your way through whole oats or brown rice and I get full before I have eaten that much. hmm....that is a new often I eat all this high calorie nutrient dense food...I eat too fast and too the simplicity of whole grains and beans slows me down in a good way and I do savor what I eat.
    Third there is more time this way, food gets put into its proper place, which is somewhere in the background, not a big priority.
    Fourth I see that I miss all my little treats and indulgences, a lot!!!! I see God more when those things are put away, and I see that the Kingdom is certainly not about fleshly appetites!
    Fifth, less food means more energy, who knew? Actually I know this, but I forgot. I am hungry and awake, and that is a good thing!
    All that said, I will modify what I eat now that Lent is here, I want to keep going until Easter, but will add back some protein and wheat, still keeping all sugar out and some other tempting things.
    Overall I am just so grateful to feel the power of working something out under and through the Lord, because the only way I can do any type of fast is through the direct power of prayer. He is good and He listens!
    Love you!

    1. I, too, have had some of the same experiences. I think I miss sugar the most, but I don't think I want to go back to it, except for very special occasions like birthdays and other celebrations. I actually find anything with sugar to be too sweet for me in general.
      I'm not one to want to feel like I have to have anything. I think it's good not to be dependent on worldly things too much. However, I do want to be totally dependent on God, and God's power to work through me. So, I just want to keep that same attitude with my food and not let anything get in the way of God.
      You have been such an example to me, Elizabeth, and I'm glad to learn from you, from what you have to say. I'm thankful to be on this journey with you.

      Much love
