Saturday, February 16, 2013

Month 2: Clothing

Matthew 6:28-30  "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Just before those verses Jesus talks about where our treasures lie, there will our hearts be also. he also says how our bodies are more than clothes. These are the questions I thought might be helpful to pray about before our prayer group Monday.
How does this relate to our closet, and why would these two things come up side by side?
How does our clothing and appearance relate to our faith?
Do I have little faith because I have a closet I can walk in and still declare to I have nothing to wear?

Here's my thoughts on these questions:
To be honest, I feel like this fast is rather easy for me because Jason and I have recently been working towards a smaller wardrobe, with just essentials. After 3 babies, my pre-pregnancy clothes don't fit right, and any non-maternity clothes I wore have stains from this and that, the "that" being kids. So I actually have been going through clothes and clearing out things. The fact I will only buy USA made clothes (that's a whole different blog post for a different time) means that what I buy has to be multi-functional, and less of it, because I just can't afford as much. Practical and less. That's what I've wanted for a while.
However, all that isn't from a spiritual standpoint, and fasting from clothes this month needs to put the focus on God.  I'm searching for the right direction in that. I do like to dress up, mainly, because I just want to feel like a woman and not a tissue for kids to wipe noses and food on. I also want to look nice for my husband. I want him to still be proud of the woman he married.  I'm sure you know the feeling.
It's hard to see myself the way God does sometimes when I'm too ashamed to look in the mirror.  I am very aware of all the imperfections of my body, especially after pregnancy, and I know I'm not alone in this.  I think it's rare for us as women to be happy with our bodies.  Why is that?  Is it culture?  Is that why we keep adding this trendy shirt, that cute belt, and those shoes that were just too good a deal to pass up, to our wardrobe?  Maybe the clothes make us the women we think we want to be.  "O, you of little faith," Jesus says.  
But who does God want us to be? And why are we spending His money on a bunch of clothes to fill our wardrobe and leaving our hearts longing and empty?  We might actually be the women God wants us to be, completely full of the Spirit, if we stopped buying a bunch of earthly treasures and used His money to help His people.  That's what I want for us all, to look in the mirror and see the Spirit-filled person God sees.  That's why I'm fasting this month.

What about you?  Why do you fast this month?  What are you hoping to learn about God?  I can't wait to hear!

Much love,
Kara Bea

Saturday, February 9, 2013

On the Downhill!

We are now on the downhill side of this month!  I have to say, I am ready.  It's been really easy some days, but not so easy other days.  The past two weeks, I've been making birthday cakes, shower cakes, desserts, Valentines Day cookies, etc., and it's definitely been God that's not let me eat sugar.  I was keeping a shower cake on my dresser in our room last night (our room is the coolest in the house so the icing won't melt), and I know I could smell chocolate in my sleep.  Good thing I don't eat in my sleep like Dad....

I have a new respect for Jesus fasting in the desert.  Could you imagine not eating for 40 days, knowing you had the power to make food out of nothing?  I'm tempted things I shouldn't, even on a full stomach.  I think I always thought, "Well, Jesus is Jesus.  I'm sure it tempted him to make food, but it probably wasn't that bad."  But now I know....I know it was terrible!  I don't understand to that degree, but I bet his mouth was salivating just like mine is smelling those blonde brownies coming out of the oven right now.....  Jesus, thank you for showing how to put God in control of things, even when we want something so bad.  God can help us in so many ways, and self-control on our part can also come from Him if we let it.

The other thing I've been thinking about is the flavors I've been missing out on by "seasoning up" the things I've been eating.  Did you know you don't need ketchup to appreciate a potato?  God made a potato to taste the way it does.  Is there something in that?  Not only do we eat more than what we need, what is enough for us, but we also don't enjoy the foods that God has made for us.  We dip, soak, marinade, batter, and everything else to our food, but we don't just enjoy it for what it is.  I'm not saying that I won't season things again, but I think I would like to only use natural seasonings, and work more with the flavors of the foods God made.  That being said, I found to AMAZING recipes during this fast that I want to share with you.  Now, in my family, we just write things the way we happened to do them, so sorry that there's no set measurements in some of these!

Barley with Spinach and Egg
I just made this one up.  It's pretty fast and yummy.
Quick cooking barley
Olive Oil
A little Salt and Pepper
1.  Cook however many servings of quick cooking barley according to package directions.
2.  While that's cooking, Sautee spinach in olive oil with some minced garlic and a little salt and pepper.  Cook until wilted.
3.  Take spinach off heat, and and a little lemon juice
4.  Wipe out skillet, add a little more olive oil and fry an egg (you could poach an egg instead if you'd like)
5.  Once the barley's done, put some on a plate.  Add spinach on top of barley; then the egg on top of the spinach.  Add more salt and pepper if you wish.
6. Enjoy.

Squash, Sweet Potato, and Carrot Bisque
Butternut squash
2 Sweet Potatoes
2 Large Carrots
Olive Oil
Garlic, minced (however much you like)
2 inch piece of Ginger, minced
1 Can Chicken Broth (You may need to add more or less)
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream (optional)
Parmesan Cheese
Salt and Pepper
1.  Preheat oven to 425.  Cut squash in half, and clean out insides. Cut and cube sweet potatoes, carrots, and onion.  Pour olive oil on squash, then a little salt and pepper.  Mix other veggies together on cookie sheet with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
2.  Put squash halves on the other cookie sheet, then roast in the oven till soft.  It may be easiest to do squash in oven first, then the other veggies.  That worked best for me.
3.  Meanwhile, sautee minced garlic and ginger in a big pot with a little olive oil.  Add chicken broth, then the veggies when they get done roasting.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for at least 30 min.
4.  Use a blender to puree soup in batches, or, if you have an immersion blender, just stick it in the pot and blend until smooth.  IF you don't have an immersion blender, get one.  I love mine for many things.
5.  This is optional, but I did it because I have a very skinny husband that doesn't need to loose weight....add heavy cream, put the soup back on the heat until warm, but don't boil.
6.  Pour into bowls, grate a little cheese on top, a little salt and pepper, and it's delicious!

These recipes allow you to taste great flavors without adding a bunch of seasoning or processed ingredients to your cooking.  Enjoy!

Tell me how you're doing.  Share with others things you've been learning this month.  Much love and prayers go to you on your spiritual journey.
